a photo that says attitude is everything

Big Women, being accused of Bad Attitudes?

I have read a few post that were saying that Big Woman have bad attitudes when talking to men these days. That is NOT all the way true at all. But I have witnessed a few of my BBW and SSBBW sisters who are getting pretty bad attitudes recently.

Society is starting to notice that we are here and not going anywhere. Big Women have not been given a lane, but were taking what we have always deserved. We have to remember that there are some who are admirers of us now that were always admirers, as well as the new attention we are getting. You will want to always be polite when the man is polite to you.

What if hes not what you are looking for, you might ask?

That’s fine, you don’t have to marry him but being polite doesn’t hurt anyone. I have been in the BBW community for over 25 years and remember a time when some thought that they were to good to talk to a big woman and never wanted to be seen with a big woman.

Some are changing how they feel the more acceptance that BBWs receive. Lets not be like those who at one time thought they were to good for us. Lets be different, and be polite always. When I say polite, I dont mean we have to be grateful that we are being spoken to and given attention. No not at all, but polite with the manners that we were taught as a youth.

We dont want to treat people the way that we were once treated. So always keep that in mind when a man talks to you online, or in person. If you dont want to talk to the man dont accept the message. Its alot nicer then starting to talk and then being mean. When in the street smile and say hello, and keep moving. Theres no harm in being polite.

Also watch your post, lots of mean post about men having small penis’s and not being good enough if they are skinny and don’t have a beard can be really mean as well. We don’t like when men post that fat girls are not attractive, so lets not be like the very thing that we dislike.

Our goal is to be strong, confident, beautiful Big Woman, and we want to remember to treat people the way that we want to be treated. Outside beauty comes and goes, inside beauty is forever!

Lets be beautiful all the way around.
Big Girls, Stand Up!! and always remember Big Women are a Big Deal!!

with love Mercedes

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